

A dirt pedal that keeps lots of the low end and feeds the output with lots of dirt and overdrive! Knobs: Drive, Level, Blend and 2 switches.


A simple, passive AB-box pedal. Switch between 2 instruments or 2 amps. Just plug it in and hit it! Knobs: should it have any?

Sea Loop

A simple passive looper with a custom hand-painted shell. No need to hassle with batteries nor adapters. Just plug and hit it! Knobs: None.


A small and miniature passive one-knob volume pedal with either a 25k, 50k, 100k, 250k or 500k pot. It's your choice. Knobs: Volume.


A fresh and simple analog chorus pedal with a versatile sound that brings the lifeless tone back to life with a new start. Applicable to a lot of styles. Knobs: Intensity, Rate. True bypass!

Crimson Fuzz

An angry fuzz pedal with a lot to give. Reacts to the user's playing style and dynamic. Knobs: Volume, Rage. True bypass!


A simple blend pedal, for the musician who wants to add effects to the signal chain but still be in control of the clean signal. Knobs: Blend. True bypass!


Distorion pedal, anything from a little bit of dirt to some heavy distortion with a lot of bottom and top. Knobs: Volume, Gain. True bypass!

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